Indian Farmers Fertilisers Cooperative (IFFCO) was founded in November, 1967, and since then, IFFCO has worked towards its vision to augment the incremental incomes of farmers by helping them increase their crop productivity through the balanced use of energy efficient fertilisers, while maintaining environmental health and making cooperative societies economically and democratically strong for professionalised services to the farming community, to ensure an empowered rural India. Dr US Awasthi, the Managing Director and CEO of the organization joined IFFCO in February 1993 and committed himself to the cause of betterment of the nation’s farmers and has since then taken numerous initiatives that have benefitted a large part of our Indian society and still continue to take more and more initiatives to empower the common man of India.
Dr US Awasthi completed his chemical engineering from the renowned Banaras Hindu University and has over five decades of experience across multiple domains, including urea, chemical fertiliser, leadership, cooperatives, and project management. His leadership has enabled IFFCO to reach greater heights and has helped numerous people, employees, and customers alike, in the process.
With initiatives on even a global scale, there is no doubt that the company has the people’s welfare as its main interest. Here is a list of initiatives that were worked upon under Dr US Awasthi’s leadership:
Oman India Fertiliser Company
OMIFCO possesses a modern world scale, two-train ammonia-urea fertiliser manufacturing plant with ammonia and urea capacities of 2x1750 TPD and 2x2530 TPD, respectively, at the Sur Industrial Estate in the Sultanate of Oman.
Industries Chimiques Du Senegal
Industries Chimiques du Senegal (ICS) has the capacity to produce about 6,60,000 MT of phosphoric acid (P2O5) per year.
Jordan India Fertiliser Company
Jordan India Fertiliser Company (JIFCO) is a joint venture company incorporated in Amman, Jordan in which IFFCO (27%) and KIT (25%) together hold 52% equity, while JPMC holds 48% equity in JIFCO. The company has implemented a phosphoric acid complex with associated facilities at Eshidiya in Jordan, which has the annual capacity to produce 4,75,000 tonnes of P2O5 per annum.
Kisan International Trading Fze
Kisan International Trading (KIT) is a completely owned subsidiary of IFFCO. KIT has completed its 14th financial year of operations on 31st March 2019. KIT was set up as an international trading arm to help with handling imports, exports, and logistics support for various finished fertilisers, fertiliser raw materials, and intermediates to meet the demands of producers, customers, and distributors worldwide. It has since then developed excellent business linkages with leading manufacturers, direct sellers, and trade entities worldwide, and has evolved as a respectable international trading company in the very competitive business of fertilisers.
Dr US Awasthi is one of the best leaders in the industry who has given new meanings to CSR and has substantially contributed to the cause of empowering the farmers of our nation. You can use your email ID to follow Dr US Awasthi on his blog for more updates of the recent happenings at IFFCO.